//André TRICOT
André TRICOT2018-10-08T19:27:53+00:00

Project Description

André Tricot is a professor of psychology at “Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Education Toulouse, ESPE”, where he is co-head of the Master’s degree in Consulting and Engineering for Higher Education. He conducts his research in two areas: on one hand, learning and difficulties, pathological and non-pathological origins; on the other hand, information retrieval activity in digital environments. His ergonomics approach aims to understand situations and tools to propose improvements. The implementation fields include not only education, but also the industrial sector (aeronautics, automotive and telecom). He collaborates with several foreign universities (mainly in Australia, the United States, England), institutions (eg. General Directorate of School Education in France, OECD, European Commission, Australian Research Council) and companies (eg. Airbus, Thales, Orange, Nathan). He was head of research at ESPE Toulouse, director of the research federation “Apprentissages, Enseignement, Formation” (including 20 laboratories, the Rectorate, educational associations) and director of Labor and Cognition Laboratory (CNRS – University Toulouse 2). He was the head of the group that developed the programs for Cycle 2 (first 3 years of elementary school) in France, in 2014-15. Author of more than 20 books and 65 scientific articles. He is awarded a doctoral supervision / scientific excellence bonus since 2004.

Innover en pédagogie : un bon moyen pour enseigner plus efficacement ?

L’innovation en pédagogie est au service de l’enseignement et des apprentissages. Elle est censée permettre aux enseignants de mieux enseigner et aux élèves de mieux apprendre. Pourtant, quand on regarde précisément ce qui relève de l’innovation pédagogique, on doit constater (a) que l’efficacité n’est pas toujours au rendez-vous de l’innovation et (b) que bien des idées pédagogiques censées être innovantes sont en réalité très anciennes. Dans cette intervention, j’essaierai de passer en revue quelques idées pédagogiques, pour montrer dans quelles conditions les innovations pédagogiques semblent véritablement efficaces.

Mots clés : Innovation, Enseignement, Enseignement efficace.