Khalid FARES

//Khalid FARES
Khalid FARES2018-10-06T14:27:51+00:00

Project Description

Khalid Fares is born in 1958 in Fez, Morocco. He is a Professor-researcher in Sciences of Education, graduated with a BA in Modern Literature (1978), BA in Psychology (1982) in Fez, DES in Sciences of Education (1996) in Rabat , and PhD in Cognitive Psychology (2000) in Fez. Professor of Philosophy (1982), Head of the Evaluation Department at the Regional Academy of Fez (1988), Head of the Research and Evaluation Division at the same academy (1989), Deputy Director at the same Regional Academy (1997) , Advisor at the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education (2002), Professor of Education Sciences at ENS of Fez (2003), Director of Curricula and School Life (2009) at the Ministry of Education, then General Inspector of Pedagogical Affairs in the same department (2010) so far.

He published a number of articles in national and Arab journals on topics related to education, psychology, curricula and pedagogical innovation, pedagogical research and scientific research. He also published a number of books on Education, Communication, Animation and Developmental Psychology as well as on teaching, pedagogical approaches and educational policies.

Khalid FARES
Khalid FARES